A Sea Change

Play for BBC radio, starred Jenny Funnell.

Marie, Peter and friends take a holiday cottage in Cornwall. A storm swells whilst they are sailing and Marie is lost overboard. She is rescued 180 years earlier, in early 19th century Cornwall, by a fisherman, Sam, who lives in the very same cottage with his mother.

The play sees Marie coming to terms with her new life whilst longing to return to the old – a strage reversal of time. Will she ever get back. Will she forget Peter and fall in love with Sam?

One act play for three women and 4 men and some original Cornish language. Available from Gillian

Click to hear full play

A Kind of Vesuvius

A sensitive treatment of the devastating effects of unemployment, both on individuals and their families.

One-act play for three middle-aged, middle-class men. David, Derek and Ian teeter on the brink of ‘a kind of Vesuvius’, each in his own way trying to cope with unemployment. Their attempts to preserve their everyday lives, warding off depression and the feelings of rejection, anger and aggression, range from the touching to moments of manic humour. Despite their positive intentions, they are forced to acknowledge the wisdom of Derek’s Auntie Maureen – ‘Life is a bugger sometimes, Derek, and it helps to have a little cry’.

Came first in the National Drama Festival Association’s British All Winners Festival. Published by Samuel French, 52 Fitzroy St, London W1P 6JR

A Kind of Vesuvius (Buy from Amazon)